There are times when you maybe in a place that is functional but does not provide as much beauty or pleasure as you desire. It could be dealing with pain, relationships or living conditions that are not the best. You are in a meantime position.

I was practicing yoga Tuesday and as I rolled out my mat, I saw the tree outside my window. I really like this tree. It is such a beautiful green in the spring and summer and this is my first time seeing it display yellow orange and red simultaneously (I moved here in May of this year). I was in some pain that day so my yoga would be limited. I also don’t care for some things in my new apartment I notice them when I am cleaning and the location is not my first or 100th choice. But this beautiful red maple (I researched and believe this to be a red maple) is “Something to See”.

The message from the Universe, God, Creator or Divine says “I will give you SOMETHING TO SEE in the midst of pain or displeasure. I will give you some beauty for your ashes. I will give you something to focus on to refocus your heart energy. It will be radiant and glorious and it will cause you to feel radiant and glorious in the midst of pain or discomfort. The Source is saying look at me I AM “SOMETHING TO SEE. Look within while you are in and you will realize that you too are SOMETHING TO SEE.”

Look outside the window of your circumstances…there you will find SOMETHING TO SEE. Look within while you are in as situation and you will see that you too are SOMETHING TO SEE.

-Nikki and the Red Maple WP_20151119_09_01_56_Pro



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